No other gift is more traditional for a spouse or a loved one than a bouquet of roses. Give your traditional gift a twist by making it last longer. The I Love U Soap Roses Bouquet lasts so much longer than freshly cut roses. With great care, your loved one can enjoy their beauty and scent for a long time, because these never die!
Designed strictly as a decorative item, the I Love U Roses Bouquet will spruce up your home office, bathroom, or bedroom. Spread each of the rosebuds around the house to get the most out of this timeless gift.
Allergies and Skin Sensitivities
Please be aware that our website and product labels contain important information regarding ingredients. If you, or the person(s) you’re buying on behalf of, have any known allergies or sensitivities, we highly encourage you to make an informed purchase. All of our products are made with equipment that handles nut oils, herbs, botanicals, beeswax, and other raw materials. If you have an allergic reaction, discontinue use immediately.
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