No other gift is more traditional for a loved one than a bouquet of roses. Give your traditional gift a twist by making it last longer. Our Pink 11 Soap Roses Bouquet lasts much longer than freshly cut roses. With great care, your loved one can enjoy their beauty and scent for a long time, because these never die!
The Pink 11 Soap Roses Bouquet was designed to be decorative strictly. We recommend putting it in the guest bathroom, bedroom, or your office! You can even separate each of the rosebuds to spread throughout the house!
Allergies and Skin Sensitivities
Kindly note that our website and product labels contain essential information about the ingredients used. If you or the person(s) you are purchasing for have any known allergies or sensitivities, we highly recommend making an informed decision before buying. Our products use equipment that handles nut oils, herbs, botanicals, beeswax, and other raw materials. If you experience any allergic reactions, please discontinue use immediately.
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